
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Succeeding in Your Injury Case Caused by a Multi-Vehicle Crash in Northern California

Very few injury cases are the legal equivalent of a “slam dunk.” There inevitably will be many obstacles of varying types that will be positioned along the way, and any of them can trip you up, which is why it is so important to have legal representation from an experienced…


How to Go About Seeking Compensation in California After a Vehicle Accident Has Killed Your Loved One

When a vehicle accident takes the life of your loved one, it is devastating. You know that no amount of money can “fix” what has been done. Nevertheless, your loved one and your family have still suffered a great loss, including potentially massive economic damage. To be sure that your…


A Tractor-Trailer’s Collision With a Disabled Car Leaves a Northern California Teen Dead

Whether you are an inexperienced teen or an adult with decades behind the wheel, having your vehicle break down in the middle of the road is always a stressful experience. Whether your vehicle threw a rod, broke a timing chain or suffered some other catastrophic mechanical failure, your situation is…


A Tragic Chain Reaction Crash in Contra Costa County Kills 2 California Drivers

As a recent accident in Contra Costa County tragically demonstrated, chain reaction crashes are situations where minor problems can turn deadly in the blink of an eye. If you’ve been hurt – or have lost a loved one – due to one of these crashes, getting the compensation you need…


A Motor Vehicle Crash Claims the Life of Yet Another California Bicyclist

Bicycle accidents in California are very dangerous and, many times, deadly. On average, roughly three bicyclists died each week in traffic crashes in 2018. If you’ve been hit by a car, truck or van while riding your bicycle, it is essential that you obtain legal representation from a skilled Oakland…


A Tragic Truck Accident in California Takes the Life of a 12-Year-Old Child

A truck accident that occurred right here in the East Bay recently makes for a grim reminder of just how catastrophically harmful accidents involving semi-trucks can be. It also makes for a potent reminder of how important it is to get the right legal representation if you’ve been hurt in…


Collateral Effects of the Pandemic in California: Fewer Vehicle on the Road Has Meant More Speeding and More Fatalities

The lockdowns that all states, including California, instituted during the coronavirus pandemic affected all aspects of life. As workplaces and other businesses shut down, the volume of traffic on roads and freeways declined dramatically, which was predictable. What was perhaps less expected was the uptick in extreme speeding and in…


A Motorcyclist’s Death Along California’s Central Coast Highlights the Dangers Bikers and Their Passengers Face

Because of the very nature of physical science and medical science, motorcyclists and motorcycle passengers necessarily are some of the most vulnerable people on the road. While many drivers are vigilant to keep an eye out for all others on the road, too many are prone to overlooking smaller vehicles…


How You Can Hold a Vehicle Owner Liable for Your Auto Accident Injuries in California, Even if the Owner Wasn’t Driving

Generally, any time you are suing to recover compensation for your injuries, you are asserting that the defendants either engaged in some sort of intentional misconduct or, more commonly, were negligent. Typically, in an auto accident, your lawsuit pursues the other driver for operating his vehicle in a negligent way…

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