
Articles Posted in Race Discrimination


Court of Appeal: Misstating an Employer’s Proper Legal Name on a DFEH Complaint is Not Fatal to a FEHA Lawsuit

When you find it necessary to take on a workplace discrimination case, there are several hurdles you’ll face, and several opportunities to make very small errors. One of the big things to keep in mind is that not every small error will be fatal to your case. With the help…


When a Single Racial Slur May Be Enough to Give You a Successful Discrimination Case in California

Having to endure racial slurs or epithets at work can be an extremely troubling thing, even if the word was used exactly once. In some situations, even just a single use of certain slurs or epithets can be enough to constitute the evidence you need for a successful workplace discrimination…


I Was Harassed on the Job But Didn’t Report It at Work. Can I Still Win a Harassment Case in California?

Workers who suffer discrimination and harassment on the job respond to it in different ways. Some may confront the harasser directly, others may approach their immediate supervisor, others may take the problem to their employer’s human resources (HR) department while still others may say nothing to people at work. If…


California DFEH Reminds Employers: COVID-19 Pandemic Doesn’t Reduce Employers’ Obligations to Avoid Discrimination and Harassment

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting lives and, more importantly, has cost the lives of more than 1,000 Americans. While the pandemic has led to the institution of many extraordinary measures, there are some things that remained unchanged. For example, California employers’ obligations to avoid illegal discrimination and harassment remain in…


A California Job Applicant Allegedly Rejected Based on to Race Doesn’t Include a FEHA Claim in His Lawsuit, and Loses

In any kind of situation where you’ve suffered a legal wrong, you only have limited time to act. Wait too long and you may have your options for achieving success and much-needed compensation narrowed substantially – or you may lose all your options entirely. If you’ve been the victim of…


What is (and is Not) a ‘Constructive Discharge’ from Your Job and Why It May Be So Important in Your California Discrimination Case

In any employment discrimination lawsuit in California, there are certain things that you absolutely must have in order to have a successful case. For example, one thing you must show is that you were harmed in some way at your job. This is something that the law calls an “adverse…


Using Your Success in a Workers’ Compensation Case to Enhance Your Odds in Your California Discrimination Lawsuit

In any civil lawsuit, you have the potential to go up against well-funded opposition with powerful attorneys. To achieve a positive end, then, you must also be well equipped and ready to take on the other side. That includes making sure you have knowledgeable Oakland employment counsel on your side.…


A New Bill in California Seeks to End Workplace Discrimination Based Upon African Americans’ Wearing of ‘Natural’ Hairstyles

California is often among the leaders in establishing legal mechanisms to protect workers from various employment harms, including discrimination. The California legislature is once again considering taking an important step that would expand the protections California workers receive. The bill, already passed by the Senate, would extend the reach of…


Pursuing a Race Discrimination Case in California, Even if You Are Not a Racial Minority

Many people, when they hear the phrase “employment discrimination,” may associate those words with women, people of color, older workers, LGBTQ+ people or religious minorities. The reality is, however, that anyone can pursue a claim for discrimination in California if they can show that they suffered discrimination on the job…

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